Google Data Studio Reports
One of the best parts about Data Studio reports is that the end user can control the date range. This means clients can look at their data in ways a static report could never show. Read More …
SEO, Responsive Website Design, Social Media Management
One of the best parts about Data Studio reports is that the end user can control the date range. This means clients can look at their data in ways a static report could never show. Read More …
To compile a list of keyword phases to target for search engine optimization, you need to think about these three things first: 1) Search Volume 2) Geographic Location 3) Your Competition. You want traffic that comes, and stays on your website. Read More …
I know the fight isn’t over, and Net Neutrality is still breathing, even kicking in some states. In the mean time, internet service provider consolidation, along with media consolidation, has accelerated. This mostly involves the big companies, their small competitors and of course, the consumer. Read More …
The Google AMP project is less than a year old, but it’s already making waves. Google does a lot of things that make waves. When it affects SERPs the SEO community pays close attention to every word, and reads between many lines. I’m no exception. When I started seeing stories about how AMP pages might (or might not) be ranked, I figured I should learn how AMP works. Read More …
Google Analytics is the software of choice for measuring website and app traffic for marketing and especially SEO professionals. For a typical business owner, navigating through Google Analytics and the dozens of reports with hundreds of options is a waste of their time. The marketing and/or SEO service provider should present the information in an Read More …
With Google Analytics Users Flow, you can choose the Source dimension to see how users from different websites are navigating your website. You could use the Customize Dimensions Items by hitting the little sprocket to the right of the pull down menu to limit the number of sources to as little as one and as many as five. This helps give you a cleaner looking report that’s easier to understand and makes a better presentation. Read More …
Looking at things like visitor demographics from different perspectives is important. I worked with a client whose search engine marketing and search engine optimization (SEM & SEO) we’re doing unexpectedly well in Ontario Canada. What began as an experimental tangent on a statistical anomaly, ended up being a significant part of the audience for this business. Once identified, we worked to sustain the audience sector and worked to grow from there. Read More …