Congress, ISPs, VPNs and Your Privacy

The House of Representatives and the Senate voted to gut a rule that had been in place that prevented Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from selling information collected from your internet usage. A Virtual Private Network is only part of the solution, but it’s a big part and probably good enough for most people. What VPNs do, in a nutshell, is provide a tunnel for your web activity. Read More …

HTTP/2 – Page speed increase and SEO boost

In September of 2015, Apache HTTP 2.4.17 came out with HTTP/2 included. HTTP/2 has been in the works for a while, but now that the most common web server platform has it built in, the rate of adoption is set to increase exponentially. There are a few hurdles that web developers and system admins will have to jump through to make the switch to HTTP/2, some of which will slow the growth in use. Read More …