
TeenyTinyKitchen.com was created in 2010 by Launie Kettler and Jedd Kettler as a writing and photography blog about cooking. Starting off as a Joomla website, it grew over several years both in the number of posts and the amount of traffic. The site has been accepted as an affiliate of the BlogHer.com network and is featured on FoodBlogs.com. Launie Kettler’s photos from the site have also been featured multiple times on SeriousEats.com, while her blogs from the site have been chosen as editors’ picks on Salon.com, OpenSalon.com, BlogHer.com’s “What’s Hot,” list and many other websites.
Teeny Tiny Kitchen - St. Albans, VT
Champlain Marketing assisted in Joomla administration, helping to increase search traffic by implementing SEO-friendly URLs and keeping track of that traffic with Google Analytics. Champlain Host provides regularly scheduled backups of the files and the database, just in case.

As TeenyTinyKitchen.com picked up traffic, Launie began ramping up efforts in social media, namely Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. Those three are now responsible for a steady stream of traffic to the website.

When Mobilegeddon came, TeenyTinyKitchen.com was ready. Champlain Marketing transferred the Joomla website to WordPress, making SEO improvements and web design updates along the way. Today the website has a much newer and cleaner look and has several featured content options.